Math Circles Templates
Download and customize these templates to your instructional and student needs.
Instructional Resources
Math Circles Template (DICE)
Math Circles Word Problems - students can write their own problems within the Math Circles Template
Practicing Steps - have students practice the DICE steps in isolation. Customize a problem sheet to go with these templates (sample included)
Math Circles Summarizer Template - students can show and explain their understanding within the DICE template
Student Resources
DICE Banner Template - print these out to laminate and place on students' desks
Classroom Resources
DICE for your wall
Math Circle Word Wall Problems - post these in your room to serve as anchors as your students look to similar problems to help them solve new problems
Instructional Resources
Math Circles Template (DICE)
Math Circles Word Problems - students can write their own problems within the Math Circles Template
Practicing Steps - have students practice the DICE steps in isolation. Customize a problem sheet to go with these templates (sample included)
Math Circles Summarizer Template - students can show and explain their understanding within the DICE template
Student Resources
DICE Banner Template - print these out to laminate and place on students' desks
Classroom Resources
DICE for your wall
Math Circle Word Wall Problems - post these in your room to serve as anchors as your students look to similar problems to help them solve new problems